Aml Maple History File
Version 7.47 build 930 ( March/16/2025 )
[+] added new setting "Restart as Admin only at autorun";
[+] added: menu command "Run with Windows" is drawn with its own colors if autorun is disabled;
[+] added sound for the command "Restart As Admin";
[+] new free version;
[*] disabled setting "Show icon in Alt+Tab List";
[*] many improvements in the ZIP-supports types;
[*] many changes in the GDI-kernel (fonts);
[*] removed: shown Settings dialog on first launching;
[*] updated language files of user interface;
[*] many bug fixes and changes;
Version 7.43 build 924 (January/22/2025)
[+] added: new extended messageboxes with auto-timeout;
[*] many bug fixes and improvements in the CMenuHelper for tray icon;
Version 7.41 build 921 (December/2/2024)
[*] fixed: hang when showing tray menu (thanx to Vladislav K.);
[+] added: tray menu drawn with background colors and icons;
[+] added: tray menu commands (website, forum, Telegram, social networks) drawn as BkInfo color;
[+] The "About" menu command shows the Aml Maple version number in the menu text;
[+] The "/cfu" command line key has been added (check for new versions of Aml Maple on the official website);
[*] The "Forum" command has been moved to the root of the tray menu;
[*] changes in the report on checking new versions in case of failure;
[*] changed: add link to F.A.Q into report of command "Check For Updates";
[*] changed UX-behavior: dialog "Settings", click on button Help always show submenu;
[*] many changes in setting: "Restart as administrator automatically";
Version 7.40 build 918 (November/19/2024)
[*] changed: UI layout for the tab "Mouse pointer" (Settings);
[+] added: implements menu commands at red color (menu on system tray: "Run As Admin" and etc);
[+] removed: tray menu animation;
[*] changed: default menu item in the system tray;
[*] changed: UI layout for the tab "Indicators" (Settings);
[+] added: menu command "About Aml Maple" shown symbol "^", when app has admin privileges;
[*] changed installer (skip AM_Restorer.exe);
[*] added new version of AM_Restorer.exe;
Version 7.39 build 915 (November/13/2024)
[*] clarification in the title of the color selection dialog for which cursor the color is;
[+] the "Mouse cursor" tab list item is shown with the "new" marker;
[+] Lisence renewal moved to ;
Version 7.38 build 914 (September/30/2024)
[*] fixed: (critical) the "Disable" command in the mouse cursor indicator did not work if the mouse service worked via the OS notification method (thanks to Arturas TERRA);
[*] the gray icon in the tray at startup was fixed;
[+] added: a tooltip to the "Settings: Mouse cursor" menu command shows information about the indicator method settings;
[+] the "System information" command was added to the tray menu (the "Help" submenu);
[*] The default setting "Show in mouse if no administrator permissions" has been changed (it is now disabled by default);
[+] The language color settings lists show a hint about double-clicking;
[*] the address of the English RSS feed was changed: the new address is ;
Version 7.36 build 910 (September/13/2024)
[+] The "System Information" command has been added to the "Help" button menu in the "Settings" window;
[+] The "System Information" command has been added to the Languages tab menu (see the "Detect languages" menu command in the tray);
[+] added: the color selection dialogs in the settings can be dragged around the screen by any empty space, and not just the title;
[+] Information about the Windows installation date has been added to the About dialog;
Version 7.36 build 910 (September/13/2024)
[*] fixed: does not work "Choose Color" dialogs;
[+] added: coloring the cursor itself with the color of the language name;
[+] added support for coloring the cursor arrow in the mode when only the language flag is shown in the cursor;
[+] added the setting "Also fill the mouse cursor" (see Settings, tab "Mouse pointer");
[+] added support for custom colors in the choice of the color of the language indicator in the mouse cursor;
[*] fixed the incorrect operation of the choice of the color of the language indicator for the standard mouse cursor (see Settings, tab "Mouse pointer");
[+] added a full menu by sections of the list for the "Languages" tab (see the menu command "Detect languages");
[+] added text extraction settings (TEC_FLAGS);
[+] in Settings, "Languages" tab, information about text extraction settings (TEC_FLAGS) has been added;
Version 7.35 build 908 (September/4/2024)
[*] changed: tooltips for UI (text translation);
[+] fixed: text translation on hot key in the Google Chrome;
[+] changes: settings of AutoSwitch languages is reseted;
[+] added: many info into Languages list;
[*] changed: languages list drawing;
Version 7.34 build 906 (July/18/2024)
[+] disable gdiScaling;
[+] added: menu command "Help\Blog", see;
[+] added: license info into results of languages detection;
[+] fixed: animation menu command "Run As Administrator";
[*] changed: custom drawing of indicators list (see Settings);
[*] changed: formatting of result of checking updates;
Version 7.33 build 905 (July/10/2024)
[+] added: the mouse pointer displays the text “Not An Administrator” when Aml Maple is run without administrator privileges;
[+] added: new setting "Show in the mouse cursor if are no admin permissions";
[*] changed: tooltips for a menu commands;
[*] many small changes in the main engine of 7-st version;
Version 7.32 build 904 (May/12/2024)
[+] added: jump menu command "Run As Administrator" to top (if command is enabled);
[+] added: extended tooltips for the "Check For Updates";
[*] improve language detection engine;
Version 7.31 build 902 (April/4/2024)
[+] added: tray menu shown latest used menu command as default;
[+] added new setting for mouse pointer "Show symbol for admin privelegies ^";
[*] updated all language files of user interface (*.lng);
Version 7.30 build 901 (March/27/2024)
[+] tray menu shown settings of hotkey for text translation;
[*] many fixes and changes for TrayIcon API;
Version 7.29 build 900 (February/23/2024)
[+] added: export of settings into external files;
[*] fixed: many bug-fixes in the localization subsystem;
[+] added: localization of menu (dialog: "Settings");
[+] added: Export settings: default filename contains current date;
[+] added: more details about reasons of failure on registration with a expired license key;
[+] added: extended report of failure on registration with a expired license key;
[*] full refactoring of saving\reading of settings;
Version 7.27 build 895 (January/30/2024)
[+] changed: mouse pointer indicator for expired licenses;
[*] changed: text formatting in nagscreen for expired licenses;
Version 7.26 build 892 (December/29/2023)
[+] started Christmas promotion: discounts for payments at Russian rub, see here: ;
[+] started Christmas promotion: discounts on 2Checkout, see here: ;
[*] fixed: report for command "Check For Updates" for licensed Aml Maple;
[+] report for command "Check For Updates" shown NY2024 block;
[*] new version of security management module;
[*] fixed Russian language file of user interface;
[*] changed submenu "More Our Software";
Version 7.26 build 887 (December/18/2023)
[+] added: supports of Danish language;
[+] added: menu command "Language Bar";
[+] added: sounds for the commands "Enable\Disable";
[+] added: sounds for report of command "Check For Updates";
[+] added: service events "Has New Version", "No Has New Version" (checking for updates);
[+] added: service events for the commands "Enable\Disable";
[+] new (shortest) sound "Start as admin";
[*] reduced size of sound effects files;
Version 7.25 build 885 (December/9/2023)
[*] fixes in Flag drawing subsystem ;
[*] changes in the icons drawing ;
[*] changes in the menu tooltips subsystem ;
Version 7.24 build 884 (October/27/2023)
[+] changed tooltips for a menu commands;
[*] many small changes and improvements;
Version 7.23 build 883 (October/25/2023)
[+] a new "Sounds" tab has been added to the settings;
[+] added setting "Do not play sounds on starting;
[+] information about the latest version of Aml Maple found on the site has been added to the tooltip for the "Check for updates" command;
[+] more tooltips for menu command on system tray;
Version 7.22 build 880 (October/12/2023)
[+] changed: report for command "Check For Updates" (+ more info);
[*] changed: localization of dialogs;
[*] many fixes for NOTIFYICONDATA supports;
Version 7.21 build 879 (September/1/2023)
[+] AmlMaple save all unlocalized strings into a lng-files;
[+] AmlMaple save info about auto-updating in a lng-files;
Version 7.21 build 878 (August/29/2023)
[+] added: new multilanguage localization subsystem (background mode);
[+] added: background saving unlocalized strings into language files of user interface (*.lng);
[*] fixed: hung up on selection of menu command "Email To Us";
Version 7.20 build 877 (August/20/2023)
[*] fixed: CFU-report formatting;
[*] updated language files of user interface;
Version 7.20 build 876 (August/15/2023)
[+] added MMF-based sync with service "Flag on caret";
[+] added: internal handler for "Flag on caret" service;
[+] added new build of core-DLL FlgCRT.DLL 7.20 b108;
Version 7.19 build 874 (July/18/2023)
[+] added new version of core-DLL FlgCRT.DLL 7.19 (added: new alignment instructions);
[+] added new version of core-DLL AmlMaple.DLL 7.19 (added: new alignment instructions);
[+] impro ve and fixed in the AmlMaple.exe for events from FlgCrt service;
[*] improve and fixed interaction beetween AmlMaple.EXE and *.DLLs modules;
[*] menu item "How to pay on ATM" is moved to submenu Help;
Version 7.18 build 872 (July/13/2023)
[*] many small changes for menu and indicators drawing;
[*] reduced size of the file AmlMaple.exe;
[*] changed async services architecture;
[*] improve sounds service implementation;
Version 7.17 build 870 (June/15/2023)
[*] fixed: handle of WM_MENURBUTTONUP;
[*] changed: implementation of command "Copy Sys Info";
[*] menu item "Article On Wikipedia" moved to submenu "Help";
[*] changed: tooltip for the menu command "Write Us";
[+] added sounds for the tray menu;
Version 7.16 build 867 (June/6/2023)
[*] changed: auto translate the last word into next language;
[*] added: uses VK_LSHIFT, VK_SHIFT (exclude LEFT) and etc;
Version 7.15 build 866 (May/18/2023)
[+] command "Detect Languages" shown info about keyboard;
[+] added: new methods for the extraction of selected text from the other apps (AddClipboardListener);
[+] added: mouse pointer shown symbol "^" when Aml Maple is running as Administrator privilegies;
[*] changed implemention of translation of last word into next keyboard layout (uses VK_SHIFT vs VK_LSHIFT);
Version 7.14 build 865 (May/12/2023)
[+] added new tool: AM_Restorer.exe;
[+] added: new menu command "How to pay at an ATM";
[*] fixed: does not close menu on system tray automatically;
[*] updated English help file;
[*] updated Russian help file;
Version 7.12 build 864 (May/4/2023)
[+] added new version of core-DLL FlgCRT.DLL 7.12 (added: async notifications mechanism);
[*] fixed: AppUtil::IsExistFile (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME);
[*] fixes and improvements for the showing of notifications area;
Version 7.11 build 863 (April/28/2023)
[*] many small bug fixes, changes and improvements;
[*] updated languages file of user interface;
Version 7.11 build 862 (April/7/2023)
[+] added: supports of Catalan language;
[*] fixed: AppUtil::IsExistDirectory;
[*] updated Russian language file of user interface;
Version 7.10 build 861 (April/5/2023)
[+] added: blink flag indicator when active langugage changed;
[+] added: sound effect when active langugage changed;
[+] added: tooltip for menu command "Settings" (enabled\disabled "Blink Flag On Language Changing");
[*] changed: sound effects for events (start, start as admin);
Version 7.09 build 860 (March/31/2023)
[+] added: sounds;
[+] added: service "Sounds" is implemented as Subscriber for the Events Board;
[+] added: new menu command "Mute Mode" (see menu on system tray);
[+] added: GGSoundUtil.DLL;
[+] added menu command "Sounds" into the menu on system tray;
[*] updated Russian language file of user interface;
Version 7.08 build 859 (March/24/2023)
[*] improve work under the Win8\x\10\11;
[*] improve extended MessageBox for the Win8\x\10\11;
[*] improvements for the App::Util entities;
Version 7.07 build 858 (March/3/2023)
[*] fixed: show menu on system tray (for Win10\11, 64x);
[+] uses AppWaiting cursor for the Language submenu on tray;
[*] updated many language files of user interface;
Version 7.06 build 856 (February/24/2023)
[+] new implementation of license control (vivat, supports of v6.x);
[*] changed: detection of real Windows version;
Version 7.05 build 855 (February/10/2023)
[*] fixed: gray icon on tray, when Aml Maple is running;
[*] changed: Core Service manager (is_processed, stopped and any features);
[*] many more small fixes for icon on system tray (uses for the cbSize for latest Windows versions);
[*] changed: tray menu;
Version 7.04 build 853 (January/26/2023)
[+] if there is no license for the new Aml Maple 7th version, then the license for the old 6th version of Aml Maple is applied (if it was);
[*] many small changes in the license engine;
[*] updated Russian language file of user interface;
Version 7.03 build 852 (January/22/2023)
[+] added: show latest found version of Aml Maple in the tooltip for menu command "Check For Updates";
[*] changed: font balloon "Aml Maple is suspended";
[*] updated Russian language file of user interface;
[*] updated Korean language file of user interface;
Version 7.02 build 850 (December/30/2022)
[*] changed UI layout dialogs;
[*] improve cooperation beetween multiple instances of Aml Maple (/exit command and many more);
[*] updated all language files of user interface;
Version 7.01 build 849 (December/24/2022)
[*] changed Hyperlinks controls;
[*] updated Russian language file of user interface;
Version 7.00 build 848 (December/9/2022)
[+] added: new architecture of main engine (Smart Board, Subscribers and many more);
[+] added: new services engine;
[+] added: new versions of core DLL-s for v7.x;
[+] added: custom icon on system tray, when running as Administrator;
[+] added: show language icon in the system tray;
[+] new version of fonts engine;
[+] added: hyperlinks control has padding, rounded corners;
[+] added: link to the TwinkiePaste — ;
[+] more log-messages on text translation on system tray;
[+] added: right click menu for command "About Aml Maple";
[*] fixed: localization of HTMLs;
[*] fixed: behavior on checking setting "No show icon on system tray";
[*] fixed: commands handler for menu on button Help;
[*] changed: "Copy System Info" implementation;
[*] updated all language files of user interface;
Version 6.48 build 845 (December/3/2022)
[+] added: more integration with services for new version Aml Maple 7.x;
Version 6.47 build 843 (November/29/2022)
[+] added: padding for Hyperlink controls;
[+] added: TwinkiePaste description on tab "Text Translate" (Settings);
Version 6.46 build 838 (November/22/2022)
[+] added: unified formatting date/time;
[+] added more new services for v.7x (disabled as default);
Version 6.45 build 837 (November/7/2022)
[+] added new services for v.7x (disabled as default);
[+] improve menu tooltips running;
Version 6.44 build 836 (October/17/2022)
[+] updated: new version of AmlMaple.DLL 6.43;
[+] updated: new version of FlgCRT.DLL 6.43;
[*] refactored code of encoding and strings support;
[*] updated Russian language file of user interface;
Version 6.43 build 835 (October/3/2022)
[+] improve menu tooltips running;
Version 6.42 build 834 (September/2/2022)
[+] added: link to Telegram Group in report for command "Check For Updates" -;
[*] changed: all local names of object for sync of Aml Maple;
[*] changed: LOG_2File_Prefix to the ExeName+PID;
[*] updated HTML-templates of report for command "Check For Updates" (English, Polish, Russian templates);
[*] updated Russian, Polish and many more language files of user interface;
Version 6.42 build 833 (September/1/2022)
[+] added: "for x32" in the tips menu, options and many more;
[+] implementation of NAME_EVENT_EXIT_ALL is enabled at now;
[*] more logging for events cooperation (creation, openning, signals);
[*] changed: installer script;
Version 6.41 build 832 (August/21/2022)
[+] added: menu command "Help\Command Line Keys";
[*] fixed: interoperation and synchronization with global events (namespace "Global\***");
implementation of global events for sync;
[*] fixed: running with command line key "/exit";
[*] disabled NAME_EVENT_EXIT_ALL implementation (temporary);
[+] tooltip for the menu command "About Aml Maple" shown info about USES_NAME_EVENT_EXIT_ALL implementation;
[*] changed: version detection API (added: flag "Special Build");
[*] changed prices;
[*] many small bug fixes, changes and improvements;
Version 6.40 build 828 (August/11/2022)
[*] changed: URL of the hyperlink "How To Get It Free" (;
[*] changed: URL of the hyperlink "How To Get It Free" (for English) tp -;
[*] changed: if used Lithuanian language of UI, applied Russian URLs in the Aml Maple;
[*] updated many language files of user interface;
[*] changed: URL of the hyperlink "How To Get It Free" (for Russian) (;
Version 6.39 build 826 (August/3/2022)
[+] show update status on the tooltip in dialog;
[+] added: command "Clear Messages" into popup menu of list (see command "Detect Languages");
[+] added: info about version contains bitness of Windows;
[+] added: link to the Telegram group (;
[+] added: async fill messages in tab "Detect Languages";
[*] changed: defaults for the setting "Transparect Flag" (at now Enabled, 30%);
[*] changed: defaults for the setting "Show Flag" (at now Enabled);
Version 6.38 build 823 (June/24/2022)
[+] added: new module CMenuToolTip;
[*] improve using in Windows 11\WinServer 2022;
[*] updated Russian, Magyar and more language file of user interface;
Version 6.37 build 821 (June/11/2022)
[*] updated Russian language file of user interface;
[*] many small bug fixes, changes and improvements;
Version 6.37 build 817 (May/29/2022)
[+] added: new tool for closing of running instances of Aml Maple (AM_Exit.exe);
[+] "Check For Updates" show release date as local time;
[*] changed: installer use AM_Exit.exe for closing of running instances of Aml Maple;
Version 6.36 build 815 (May/26/2022)
[*] improved: cooperation beetween of instances in other sessions;
[*] many small bug fixes, changes and improvements;
Version 6.35 build 814 (May/17/2022)
[+] updated: new version of FlgCrt.DLL;
[*] fixed: cant move dialog "Check For Updates";
[*] changed: alignment controls in dialog "Check For Updates";
Version 6.34 build 812 (April/3/2022)
[*] updated Hellenic language file of user interface;
[*] updated Russian language file of user interface;
Version 6.34 build 810 (April/1/2022)
[+] improve "Restart as admin automatically" (now can close Aml Maple);
[*] added: hyperlink to Facebook group into report for the command "Check For Updates";
[*] changed: tooltips for tray menu commands;
[*] improve compatibility with Windows 11\WinServer 2022;
[*] changed icons;
[*] changed UI;
[*] updated Russian and many more language files of user interface;
Version 6.33 build 809 (March/25/2022)
[+] added: special price for China customers (50%+ discount);
[+] added: tooltip for menu commands shown price for the Aml Maple;
Version 6.32 build 808 (March/21/2022)
[+] added: supports new version NLS (national language support) module;
[*] changed hyperlinks;
[*] updated Russian, Belorussian, Italian, Deutsche and other language files of user interface;
[*] small bug fixes, small changes and improvements;
Version 6.31 build 806 (February/9/2022)
[+] added: menu on tray show language prefix in the menu command;
[+] added: new version of library FlgCrt.DLL 6.31;
[*] changed: tooltips for menu commands in submenu "Language";
Version 6.30 build 805 (February/1/2022)
[+] added: new verision FlgCrt.DLL (supports logger, added new functions);
[*] changed: menu tooltips;
Version 6.29 build 803 (January/19/2022)
[+] added: check for updates shown version\date, when new version not found;
[+] FontUtil::Create_Font_On_Font with callback, FontUtil::Create_Font_On_Wnd with callback;
[*] fixed: 20-30 sec delaying after command "Enable" from system tray menu;
[*] fixed: delaying after closing of window "Check For Updates" by close window button (X);
Version 6.28 build 801 (November/30/2021)
[+] added: check items of settings in menu on system tray;
[+] added: extended tooltip for indicator settings;
[+] added: extended tooltip for settings of text caret color (added: info about exceptions);
[+] added: menu command "Help\Subscribe To Newsletter";
[*] updated Russian, Belorussian, Italian languages of user interface;
[*] small bug fixes, small changes and improvements;
Version 6.27 build 800 (November/15/2021)
[*] changed: IniUtil module;
[*] updated: Russian language file of UI;
[*] small bug fixes, small changes and improvements;
Version 6.26 build 799 (October/20/2021)
[*] small bug fixes, small changes and improvements;
Version 6.25 build 794 (September/1/2021)
[*] fixed: updating language in the flag on caret when changing of current language (keyboard kayout);
[*] added: new version of library FlgCrt.DLL;
[*] updated: Russian language file of UI;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.24 build 793 (August/23/2021)
[*] changed: the setting "Show icon in Alt+Tab list" is unchecked as default;
[*] fixed: is shown window "Settings" on Windows taskbar, when Actual Window Manager is running;
[*] changed MenuToolTip icons;
[*] updated: Russian language file of UI;
Version 6.23 build 792 (August/13/2021)
[*] changed the behavior of system messages (MessageBoxTimeout), added a countdown stop for keyboard events;
[*] fixed: system caret drawing in the Windows10 (sizing, colouring);
[*] fixed: validation of system cursor in the Windows 8\8.1\10;
Version 6.22 build 791 (June/22/2021)
[*] fixed: building of languages menu and handling of language menu items;
[*] updated: Russian language file of UI;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.21 build 790 (June/12/2021)
[*] changed menu on system tray;
[*] changed: UI (tooltips, menu and etc);
[*] updated: Russian language file of UI;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.20 build 789 (April/10/2021)
[*] changed icons;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
[*] updated: Russian language file of UI;
[*] fixed: invalid detection of caret implementation;
Version 6.19 build 787 (March/24/2021)
[*] many small changes and fixes;
[*] updated: language files of UI;
Version 6.18 build 786 (February/3/2021)
[*] fixed: error message, when user canceled Aml Maple restart as admin;
[+] added: report about error for command "Restart as admin";
[*] updated: Russian HTML-template for report for checking new versions;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.17 build 784 (December/16/2020)
[*] fixed: tray menu command "Disable";
[+] added: URL into report about new versions;
[*] updated Russian language file;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.16 build 781 (December/7/2020)
[*] changed: command "Check For Updates";
[*] changed: indicator in mouse pointer (text, appearance and many more);
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.15 build 780 (December/4/2020)
[*] improved work of indicator in mouse pointer;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.14 build 779 (September/4/2020)
[*] fixed: crash on menu tootip handling;
[*] imroved UX in dialog "Enter License Key";
[*] added: new icons for menu commands;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.13 build 778 (August/23/2020)
[+] added: icon of VKontakte;
[*] fixed: language detection in windoless controls;
[*] changed: system tray menu;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.12 build 777 (April/24/2020)
[+] added: show released date and version in menu tooltip;
[+] exe-module size minimized;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.11 build 776 (March/1/2020)
[+] added: now Aml Maple can run under mutiple desktops;
[+] added: name of current mutex in the "Detect languages";
[+] added: manage of all Aml Maple instances in other sessions;
Version 6.10 build 775 (January/22/2020)
[*] improved menu tooltips (added: WM_INITDIALOG, WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP);
[+] added: menu items for navigation to Web show URL in the menu tooltip;
[+] added: VKontakte user group;
[*] updated many languages files of UI;
[*] fixed: does not localize button "Email To Us" on tab "Registration" in the Settings;
[*] changed: icons for menu tooltips;
[*] changed: URLs (forum, VK, Facebook) to HTTP secure;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.09 build 774 (January/15/2020)
[+] added: hyperlinks "Control Files", "Messages", "Monitor", "System" on tab "Languages" in the Settings;
[*] updated Russian language file;
[*] many small changes and fixes;
Version 6.09 build 773 (January/13/2020)
[+] added: command "Reload Control Files" into menu of tab "Languages" in the Settings dialog;
[*] fixed: openning Download link from "Check For Updates" in the default web browser;
[*] updated: Russian help file;
Version 6.09 build 772 (January/11/2020)
[+] added: Debug Mode for the check version on web;
[+] added: info about control files in the "Detect languages";
[+] added: Belorussian language of user interface;
Version 6.08 build 771 (December/8/2019)
[+] added: show email address in hyperlinks and command;
Version 6.08 build 770 (December/7/2019)
[*] fixed: invalid navigation on link "Download" in the dialog "Check For Updates";
[*] removed: Win10 compatibility from XML-manifest;
Version 6.08 build 769 (December/5/2019)
[*] fixed: show numlock\scrolllock in mouse pointer, when this indicators is disabled in settings;
[*] many small changes;
Version 6.08 build 768 (December/3/2019)
[+] added: new implementation of sync of second instance with first running instance;
Version 6.07 build 766 (December/1/2019)
[+] added: <gdiScaling> into XML-manifest;
[+] added: XML-manifest info into "Detect Languages";
[*] removed: <dpiAware> from XML-manifest;
Version 6.06 build 765 (November/29/2019)
[*] fixed: setting "Show CapsLock in text caret" always checked in Settings dialog;
[*] changed: Detect Langs layout;
[*] changed: "Detect Languages" blink button "Copy" by visible;
Version 6.06 build 763 (November/26/2019)
[+] added: info about GetSystemMetricsForDpi (SM_CXCURSOR,SM_CYCURSOR);
Version 6.06 build 760 (November/14/2019)
[+] added: settings of indicators of functional keys into tab "Languages";
[*] updated Russian language file;
[*] many small changes;
[*] changed: Win8_impl method detection for MousePtr;
Version 6.05 build 758 (November/10/2019)
[+] added: you can drag of settings window by everywhere of the list;
[+] added: new core AmlMaple.DLL;
[*] fixed: crash logging into file;
[*] largest font for hint tooltip in Settings dialog;
Version 6.04 build 756 (November/1/2019)
[+] added: new command "Settings: Indicator" into menu of system tray;
[*] changed: hyperlinks on bottom of Settings dialog;
Version 6.03 build 755 (September/18/2019)
[+] show language name in mouse pointer (arrow) in UPPERCASE, when CapsLock pressed;
[+] added: blink settings "Indicators" when select related topics of settings;
[+] added: label "New" in list of settings for new features of Aml Maple;
[*] updated Russian language file;
[*] many bug fixes and small changes;
Version 6.02 build 754 (September/12/2019)
[*] many bug fixes and small changes in registration algorithm;
Version 6.01 build 753 (August/7/2019)
[*] changed: icons in settins;
[*] updated many languages files of UI;
[*] many bug fixes and small changes;
Version 6.01 build 752 (August/1/2019)
[+] added: new setting "Make upper indicator on CapsLock";
[+] added: indicators of special keys (NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock and etc) in mouse pointer;
[*] removed: Insert indicator of text caret;
[*] updated languages file of user interface;
[*] many bug fixes and small changes;
[*] many changes in installer;
Version 6.00 build 748 (July/21/2019)
[*] changed: code of AmlMaple.DLL;
[*] changes: fixes of UI of settings;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 6.00 build 746 (July/18/2019)
[+] added: indicators of special keys (NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock and etc) in text caret;
[+] added: relocalize settings on-the-fly, when changed language of UI from menu;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.50 build 742 (July/14/2019)
[+] use low level permissions for ini-file of settings;
[*] many bug fixes and small changes;
Version 5.49 build 741 (April/28/2019)
[+] added: menu commands "Settings : Mouse Pointer", "Settings : Text Cursor Color", "Settings : Text Translation";
[+] added: hint for setting of text cursor color;
[*] fixed: unchecked languages use standard color in the list of settings;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.48 build 740 (April/10/2019)
[*] fixed: detection CAPS LOCK mode in text caret;
[*] many bug fixes and small changes;
Version 5.47 build 739 (March/6/2019)
[*] many bug fixes and small changes;
Version 5.47 build 737 (February/3/2019)
[*] fixed: drawing of sample of text cursor;
[*] many bug fixes and small changes;
Version 5.46 build 735 (January/13/2019)
[+] added: button "Check Now" in dialog "Options";
[*] updated Russian language file;
[*] many bug fixes and small changes;
Version 5.45 build 734 (December/23/2018)
[*] changed: UI layount for dialog "Settings\Miscellaneous";
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.45 build 733 (December/21/2018)
[+] added: offers in report about checking of updates;
[*] fixed: blink tooltip of hints for pages of settings;
Version 5.44 build 732 (December/17/2018)
[+] added: no blink cursor under HTMLayout and Sciter windows;
Version 5.43 build 731 (December/5/2018)
[+] added: hide tooltip for the settings window, when settins window is deactivated;
Version 5.43 build 730 (December/2/2018)
[*] changed: formatting of dates\times;
[*] fix: errors on detection of layout changing in the lang-engine;
[*] fix: does not localize button "Email To Us";
[*] updated language files (*.lng);
Version 5.42 build 729 (September/3/2018)
[+] added: hyperlink to article about Aml Maple in Wikipedia;
[*] updated Russian language file;
[*] many bug fixes and small changes;
Version 5.41 build 728 (July/24/2018)
[*] updated Greek language file;
[*] many bug fixes and small changes;
Version 5.40 build 726 (June/1/2018)
[+] added: menu command "Settings" show last used tab from "Settings" dialog;
[*] updated language files of user interface;
[*] many some changes and bug fixes in core;
Version 5.39 build 725 (May/5/2018)
[*] changed: entering of license data (do not use LogonUser for empty passwords);
[*] updated: Hungarian language of user interface;
[*] many small bug fixes;
Version 5.38 build 724 (April/7/2018)
[*] many small bug fixes;
Version 5.38 build 722 (April/4/2018)
[+] dialog "Enter Key" has symbol "^", when runnign as administrator;
[*] many some changes and bug fixes in core;
Version 5.37 build 721 (February/20/2018)
[+] added: button "Choose Language" in nagscreen;
[+] added: «Detect Languages» update after changing of active tab in Settings;
[+] added: more info into Detect Languages;
Version 5.36 build 720 (February/5/2018)
[+] added: info about hi-dpi into "Detect Languages";
Version 5.36 build 719 (February/1/2018)
[+] added: setting "Show balloon on system tray on start";
[+] added: embedded manifest;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.35 build 718 (January/6/2018)
[*] new core DLLs;
[*] updated languages file;
[*] many impovements;
Version 5.34 build 716 (December/22/2017)
[*] updated Russian language file;
[*] many bug fixes and impovements;
Version 5.33 build 715 (November/27/2017)
[*] fixed: invalid range for checking of updates;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.32 build 713 (November/23/2017)
[+] added: ballon tray tooltip for setting "Restart as admin automatically";
[*] fixed: no recursive implement setting "Restart as admin automatically";
[*] fixed: start all wait-thread on fail on command "Restart As Admin";
Version 5.32 build 711 (November/22/2017)
[+] added: setting "Restart As Admin automatically";
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.31 build 710 (November/3/2017)
[+] added: query for autostart use extended messagebox;
[+] added: info about of autostart in tab "Detect Languages" (HKLM or HKCU);
[+] added: new menu command "F.A.Q." (visit to web page "Frequently Asked Questions");
[*] changed: submenu of button Help in Settings dialog;
[*] added: tooltips for menu commands of button Help in Settings dialog;
[*] changed: online-commands of menu (e.g. visit to web site, forum and etc) use icon of Your web-browser;
[*] many refactoring;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.30 build 708 (October/28/2017)
[+] added: info about of autostart in menu tooltip (HKLM or HKCU);
[*] fixed: query for autostart settings on closing or openning of Settings dialog;
Version 5.30 build 707 (October/27/2017)
[+] added: new setting "show flag" in mouse pointer indicator;
[+] added: multiline text in mouse pointer indicator;
[+] added: query for setting "Start With Windows" for all users or current user only;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.25 build 706 (October/18/2017)
[+] improve: showing keyboard layout name in mouse pointer;
Version 5.24 build 705 (September/14/2017)
[+] added: use Win8x_Imp setting always for small cursors;
[+] added: info about monitors in “Detect Languages”;
[+] added: info about Win8x_Imp setting in “Detect Languages”;
[*] many small bug fixes and improvements;
Version 5.22 build 703 (August/3/2017)
[*] changed: indicator on standard mouse pointer;
[*] changed: do not use external text in standard mouse pointer under Win8\8.1;
Version 5.22 build 702 (August/1/2017)
[*] fixed: detection when work in Windows 10;
[*] added: new manifest file;
Version 5.21 build 701 (July/30/2017)
[*] fixed: indicator on standard mouse pointer under Win\Win8.1;
[*] small bug fixes and improvements;
Version 5.20 build 700 (July/14/2017)
[+] added: indication of keyboard layout on mouse pointer;
[+] added: new setting for indicator on mouse pointer "Show keyboard layout name";
[+] added: show of target language in system tray on text translation;
[*] changed: menutooltip core;
[*] changed: more info in "Detect Languages" dialog;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.10 build 696 (June/12/2017)
[+] new algorithm of creation of mouse pointer with language indicator;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.09 build 695 (May/23/2017)
[+] added: user name show symbol "^" on system tray, if has admin rights;
Version 5.08 build 694 (May/3/2017)
[*] improvements for registration;
[*] updated: hellenic language file for UI;
[*] small bug fixes;
Version 5.07 build 693 (April/16/2017)
[*] fixed: red highlighting on borders of mouse pointer;
[*] fixed: using of system font in mouse pointer in Win8;
[+] added: show balloon on system tray on starting of Aml Maple;
Version 5.07 build 692 (April/15/2017)
[*] fixed: transparency area in mouse pointer with language indicator;
Version 5.06 build 691 (March/25/2017)
[+] added: create log file with low level security attributes;
Version 5.06 build 690 (March/23/2017)
[+] new model sync beetween instances;
[+] added: on first start create settings file AmlMaple.ini with low level security attributes;
[+] added: information about settings file AmlMaple.ini into dialog "Detect Languages";
[*] the license file amlmaple.key created with low level security attributes;
Version 5.06 build 689 (March/23/2017)
[+] added: command line key "/?" (show info about command line keys);
[+] added: command line key "/showmenu" (show menu of Aml Maple);
[+] added: tooltips on menu\options dialog show of settings of standard mouse pointer (arrow);
[+] added: hyperlink "How to translate" into "About Aml Maple" dialog;
[+] added: Putty.exe into exception as default;
[+] added: menu command "Help\Welcome To Aml Maple";
[+] added: information about command line keys into dialog "Detect Languages";
[+] added: control bat-files;
[*] changed: section name for exceptions;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.05 build 688 (March/21/2017)
[*] updated Russian language file;
[*] many bug fixes and small changes;
Version 5.05 build 687 (March/19/2017)
[+] added: hiding menu tooltip when WM_EXITMENULOOP;
[*] some small changes;
Version 5.05 build 686 (March/14/2017)
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 5.05 build 685 (March/13/2017)
[+] added: new version of core DLL AmlMaple.DLL;
[+] added: info about country in dialog "Detect Languages";
[*] fixed: running command "Run As Administrator" if dialog "Check For Updates" is visible;
[*] changed: settings as default for color on text caret;
Version 5.04 build 684 (February/19/2017)
[+] added: hyperlink to Facebook group;
[*] fixed: invalid localization checkbox in tab "Flag On Text Cursor" when running checking of updates;
[*] updated: language files (Russian, Polish, Arabic and etc);
Version 5.03 build 683 (February/9/2017)
[*] changed: layout of page "Mouse Pointer" in settings;
[*] some bug fixes and many changes;
Version 5.02 build 682 (January/17/2017)
[+] fixed: sound on events;
[*] some bug fixes and many changes;
Version 5.02 build 681 (January/16/2017)
[*] fixed: detection of switch keyboard layout method;
[*] fixed: detection full screen apps under Windows Vista and later;
Version 5.02 build 679 (January/6/2017)
[*] fixed: small mouse pointer (1x1) under Windows 8 and many configurations;
[*] changed: embedded mouse pointer for Windows XP;
Version 5.01 build 677 (December/20/2016)
[+] added: support of language indication in pointer under Windows 8\8.1\10;
[+] added: use system cursor for indicator on standard arrow cursor;
[+] added: Detect languages show privilegies for program folder;
[+] added: report about errors on registration show info for admin privilegies;
[+] added: submenu for button "Get License From ZIP" with item "System Informaton"
[+] added: blink hyperlink "How To Enter License Data";
[+] added: extended tooltip for hyperlink "How To Enter License Data";
[+] added: Domain name in "Detect languages" dialog;
[*] changed: embedded arrow pointer for Windows XP;
[*] updated: language files (Hungarian, Hebrew, Lithuanian and etc);
[*] fixed: not use system cursor under Windows XP;
[*] updated Russian language file;
[*] some bug fixes and many changes;
Version 5.00 build 672 (December/9/2016)
[*] changed: creation of mouse cursor;
[+] added: manifest file;
Version 5.00 build 671 (December/8/2016)
[*] many small changes and bug-fixes;
Version 5.00 build 670 (December/7/2016)
[*]fixed: checking exist configuration files;
[*]imrove: check for updates for multiple versions;
[*] some bug fixes and many changes;
Version 5.00 build 668 (December/5/2016)
[+] added: indication of window under point in standard mouse pointer (arrow);
[+] dialog "Check For Updates" added button "Visit To Web Site";
[+] added: "Check For Updates" can check multiple versions (final release + beta-releases);
[+] added: remove hyperlinks to version with setup, him is unavailable;
[*] new URL for renewal license:;
[*] fixed: does not fill info about license for expired users;
[*] fixed: not localizable checkbox "Add Aml Maple into firewall exclusions";
[*] fixed: info-icon on hyperlinks under Windows 7 and later;
[*] updated Greek language file;
[*] updated Russian language file;
[*] some bug fixes and many changes;
Version 4.36 build 656 (November/16/2016)
[*] fixed: does not work column "FileName Only" in settings of exceptions;
[*] enlarge window size for downloading;
Version 4.36 build 655 (November/14/2016)
[+] added: command "Run Aml Maple As Administrator";
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 4.35 build 654 (November/10/2016)
[+] added: enable SE_DEBUG privilege on starting;
[+] added: list of language show service messages of Aml Maple;
[*] fixed: does not activate keyboard layout after text translation by hotkey;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 4.34 build 653 (October/5/2016)
[*] fixed: options list does not show icons under Windows 7 and later;
[*] updated Russian language file;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 4.33 build 651 (July/18/2016)
[*] fixed: relocalize options list;
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 4.32 build 650 (June/13/2016)
[+] move options window by header;
[*] fixed: crash on moving options window by line in list;
[*] updated: Russian help;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 4.31 build 649 (May/24/2016)
[+] added: command line key "/reg";
[+] added: shortcut "Aml Maple Register" (into version with installer);
[+] added: file Register.Bat (into portable version);
[+] added: nagscreen show version of Aml Maple (Release date on tooltip);
[*] fixed: crash after enterying license key;
[*] fixed: show nagscreen after enter license key;
[*] some bug fixes and impovements;
Version 4.30 build 646 (May/7/2016)
[*] fixed: invalid openning of external hyperlinks with https:// on "Check For Updated";
Version 4.29 build 645 (March/30/2016)
[+] added: margins for hint in dialog "Settings";
[+] added: command line key "/detectlangs";
[+] added: command "Help\Technical Support";
[*] changed: sorting of languages-files;
[*] fixed: size of nagscreen window;
[*] changed: URL of technicl support web page;
[*] fixed: invalid Russian language-file;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
[*] updated: Russian help file;
[*] updated: English help file;
Version 4.28 build 644 (March/22/2016)
[+] added: hint tooltip in Options dialog;
[+] added: link to WriteYours home page on tray menu;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 4.26 build 641 (January/18/2016)
[*] fixed: crash after enterying license key;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 4.25 build 640 (December/14/2015)
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 4.24 build 638 (December/10/2015)
[*] fixed: cannot disable custom mouse pointer;
[+] added: context menu in tab "Languages";
[+] updated: Ukrainian language-file of user interface;
Version 4.23 build 637 (November/26/2015)
[*] added: new version of detection of Windows;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 4.22 build 636 (October/26/2015)
[*] added: new tab "Languages" in settings;
Version 4.21 build 634 (October/9/2015)
[+] added: Bulgarian language of user interface;
[*] changes: dialog "Detect Languages";
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 4.20 build 633 (September/17/2015)
[*] improve: check for Updates;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 4.19 build 632 (August/30/2015)
[+] added: Norwegian language of user interface;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 4.18 build 631 (July/25/2015)
[*] fixed: crash after entering license key;
[*] updated Hellenic language-file;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
[+] added: more information about memory status in dialog "Detect Languages";
Version 4.17 build 630 (July/12/2015)
[+] added: Chinese Simplified language of user interface;
Version 4.16 build 628 (July/4/2015)
[+] added: Arabic language of user interface;
[+] added: information about license file;
[*] update Polish language file;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 4.15 build 626 (June/6/2015)
[*] changed: setting "restore selection after text translation" is disabled as default;
[*] changed: use rounded static in options dialog;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 4.14 build 625 (May/25/2015)
[*] updated Russian language-file;
[*] some bug fixes and many changes;
ersion 4.13 build 624 (May/17/2015)
[+] added: hotkey control has button for context menu;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 4.13 build 622 (May/16/2015)
[+] added: TvIpPlayer.exe added into exceptions as default;
[+] added: command "File Name Only" for context menu of exceptions list;
[*] minimize: nag screen on text translation;
[*] changed: text for adding on text translation, when use trial version of Aml Maple;
[*] fixed: drawing of exceptions list in Settings dialog;
Version 4.12 build 620 (May/9/2015)
[+] added: new spy control;
[+] added: hotkey control;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 4.11 build 617 (April/13/2015)
[*] fixed: circularity loop, when not exist of selected text and enabled setting "Translate the Last word, if not selected text";
Version 4.10 build 615 (April/9/2015)
[+] added: translation of last word, when selection is empty;
[+] added: setting "Translate last word, if not selected text" (enabled as default);
[*] fixed: translation to next keyboard layout does not work, if start the dialog "Settings" and exit from him by Cancel;
[*] changed: custom drawing Hotkey control;
[*] fixed: localization sub-system write into lng-file caption of settings dialog;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 4.05 build 614 (March/29/2015)
[+] added: support keyboard layout switching via "Tilda or You" method (for Win7);
[+] setting "Save selection on text translation" enabled as default, if installed great than 2 keyboard layouts;
[+] enlarge timeout for nag-screen when use text translations;
[+] added: new setting "Add Aml Maple into firewall exlusions";
[+] added: on first starting, Aml Maple will be add self into firewall exlusions;
[+] changed: custom drawing Hotkey control;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 4.04 build 612 (March/27/2015)
[+] added: custom drawing Hotkey control;
[+] added: Hotkey control show key PAUSE valid;
[+] if keyboard swith method is not detected, use Alt+Shift key;
Version 4.03 build 611 (March/26/2015)
[+] added: new info for command "Detect Languages";
Version 4.03 build 610 (March/20/2015)
[+] restore color of text caret for Windows 64-bit;
[+] added: hyperlink to technical support into Options dialog;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 4.02 build 609 (March/18/2015)
[+] added: context menu for hotkey control contains previous values;
[+] added: "Check For Updates" show number of current version of Aml Maple;
[+] added: "about-dialog" show information about translators of user interface;
[*] updated: Russian help file;
Version 4.01 build 608 (March/7/2015)
[*] fixed: AutoSwitch service work incorrectly, when installed more 2 languages on Windows;
[*] changed: implementation of "Save selection" feature;
Version 4.01 build 607 (March/6/2015)
[*] changed: set foreground window "Settings" on start the second copy with command line key /settings;
Version 4.01 build 606 (March/6/2015)
[+] added: when start second copy Aml Maple, first copy show temporary icon on system tray (~ per 10 secs);
[+] added: shortcut "Aml Maple Settings" into version with installer;
[+] added: tooltip for checkbox "Do not show icon on tray";
[+] added: tooltip for checkbox "Write Log File";
[*] changed: command line key "/settings" show Settings-dialog always;
[*] updated: Russian help file;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 4.01 build 604 (March/4/2015)
[*] fixed: does not work setting "No show icon on system tray" correctly;
Version 4.00 build 604 (March/4/2015)
[+] added: icons into menu of system tray;
[+] added: on select of user interface language change locale of thread UI;
[*] fixed: text translation service show nag screen after license data has been input;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
[*] some small changes;
Version 4.00 build 603 (February/28/2015)
[+] added: checking writing-priviledgies to app folder on registration from ZIP-file;
[+] added: icons into menu of system tray;
[*] fixed: text translation service show nag screen after license data has been input;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 4.00 build 602 (February/26/2015)
[+] added: new feature "Text translation the selected text into next keyboard layout";
[+] added: logging into file (disabled as default);
[+] added: setting "Save selection after translation" (disabled as default);
[+] added: setting "Write Log File", enabled as default for beta-versions of Aml Maple;
[+] added: show tooltip on system tray, when Settings close on OK;
[+] added: Mouse pointer implemented on new architecture v4.0 (actor+reactors);
[+] added: new feature "Auto Swith Keyboard Layout";
[*] updated Russian language-file;
[*] fixed: invalid handle setting "The method change of mouse pointer";
[*] fixed: does not localize pages of Settings dialog;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.75 build 591 (January/12/2015)
[+] added: color of text cursor disable as default on Windows 64bit;
[+] added: flags on text cursor enabled as default on Windows 64bit;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.74 build 588 (December/14/2014)
[+] added: more info about system;
Version 3.73 build 586 (November/28/2014)
[+] added: compatibility tray API for Windows Vista\7\8;
Version 3.72 build 585 (October/29/2014)
[+] added: setting of method on indicaton on mouse pointer;
[*] fixed: report, when sucess install setting "Start With Windows";
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 3.71 build 584 (October/26/2014)
[+] added: report if cannot install "Start With Windows" from settings and menu;
[*] fixed: show icon on system tray, when checked setting "No Icon On Tray";
[*] updated Greece UI;
Version 3.70 build 582 (July 31, 2014)
[+] added: support of "Hide Mouse Cursor On Typing";
Version 3.69 build 581 (June 28, 2014)
[*] some bug fixes;
[*] updated language-files;
Version 3.68 build 580 (June 07, 2014)
[+] added: "Detect Languages" show info about ANSI and OEM code pages;
[+] added: menu command "Detect Languages";
[+] added: command "Change Languages";
[+] added: French language file;
[+] added: Madjar language file;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 3.67 build 579 (April 23, 2014)
[+] added: registation of user license from command line (silent mode);
Version 3.66 build 576 (April 05, 2014)
[+] added: info "How to convert text to other keyboard layout";
[*] updated: Russian help file;
Version 3.65 build 574 (April 05, 2014)
[+] added: Uninstall Center;
[*] new logging interface;
[*] updated english help file;
[*] some bug-fixes and changes;
Version 3.64 build 573 (March 20, 2014)
[*] fixed: slow work when show menu on system tray;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 3.63 build 571 (March 04, 2014)
[+] added: support of Singala language;
[+] added: Lithuanian language of user interface;
Version 3.62 build 570 (February 24, 2014)
[*] changed: "Check for updates" - download links is unavailable if now has new version;
[*] changed: tray menu show setting "Delay on auto-start";
Version 3.61 build 569 (February 12, 2014)
[+] added: Sinhala language of user interface;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.60 build 568 (February 01, 2014)
[+] added: new setting "Delay auto-start Aml Maple per seconds" (enabled as default, 30 secs);
[+] added: new setting "Show icon in ALT+Tab list" (enabled as default);
[*] changed: menu toolips;
[*] updated Russian language-file;
Version 3.53 build 566 (January 16, 2014)
[*] improve: working of mouse pointer service;
[*] changed: important options has bold font on dialog Settings;
[*] updated English help file;
[*] updated Russian help file;
Version 3.52 build 564 (December 16, 2013)
[+] added: Spanish language of user interface;
[+] added: re-translation menu "on-fly" after choosing language from menu;
Version 3.51 build 562 (December 05, 2013)
[+] added: new feature "Get License From ZIP-file";
[*] updated Russian language file;
Version 3.50 build 559 (November 16, 2013)
[+] added: Hebrew language of user interface;
[+] added: Turkish language of user interface;
[*] fixed: working with full screen applications;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.49 build 556 (October 23, 2013)
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.48 build 555 (September 13, 2013)
[*] fixed: set "Start with Windows" as default for removable drives;
Version 3.47 build 554 (September 04, 2013)
[*] changed: URL of official forum in English language;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.46 build 553 (3-August-2013)
[+] added: Italian language of user interface;
Version 3.45 build 552 (30-July-2013)
[*] changed: help-button control in settings;
[*] some bug fixes for kernel of caret;
Version 3.44 build 551 (1-July-2013)
[+] added: support of Tatar language;
[*] fixed: hiding colored caret for The Bat dropdown lists (e.g. search);
Version 3.43 build 550 (26-June-2013)
[*] fixed: hiding colored caret for NSIS installer;
[*] fixed: hiding colored caret on Total Commander dialogs (copying, renaming and etc);
Version 3.42 build 547 (23-May-2013)
[*] fixed: enlarge text caret on vertical if use option "Show language name on bottom";
Version 3.41 build 547 (18-May-2013)
[*] some bug fixes for kernel of caret;
Version 3.40 build 546 (27-April-2013)
[+] added: CapsLock indication in text caret;
[+] Check For Updates do not cashe information about version after checking;
[*] fixed: hiding of text caret in URL-address control in Google Chrome;
[*] changed: tray menu;
[*] updated Hellenic language;
Version 3.32 build 544 (2-April-2013)
[+] added: Brazilian Portuguese user interface;
[*] updated Hellenic language;
[*] small bug fixes;
Version 3.31 build 543 (5-March-2013)
[+] added: control check for updates automatically into report dialog;
[*] changed: default range of check for updates (7 days);
[*] updated Serbian language file;
Version 3.30 build 541 (15-February-2013)
[+] added: command line key "/settings" (show settings dialog for hidden copy of Aml Maple);
[*] updated English help file;
[*] updated Russian help file;
Version 3.29 build 540 (4-February-2013)
[*] added: TwinkiePaste description "Check for Updates";
[*] updated Polish language files;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.28 build 539 (21-January-2013)
[*] changed: detection path to Web Browser as default;
[*] added: TwinkiePaste description in menu of system tray;Version 3.28 build 539 (4-February-2013)
[*] changed: detection path to Web Browser as default;
[*] added TwinkiePaste description in menu of system tray;
[*] updated Polish language files;
Version 3.27 build 538 (18-January-2013)
[+] added: detection of Web Browser as default into languages info;
[+] added: use has admin rights into languages info;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.26 build 536 (11-January-2013)
[*] fixed: Windows version detection (as chars);
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.25 build 535 (25-December-2012)
[+] added: Serbian language of user interface;
[*] changed: icon for not founded files in exception list;
[*] fixed: hide tooltip on menu selection;
[*] fixed colored caret for Locate32;
[*] fixed: language file LocalizationExample.lng;
Version 3.24 build 534 (21-December-2012)
[+] added: support Visual Theme for exceptions list;
[+] exceptions list: if file not found the list is shown of red color;
[*] fixed: work of exception list in colored caret;
Version 3.23 build 533 (20-December-2012)
[+] added: all dialogs use Unicode font (best for localization);
Version 3.22 build 532 (17-December-2012)
[*] fixed: colored caret for MS Excel 2003;
[*] changed: context menu on system tray;
[+] added: screen dimension in Detect languages;
[+] added: bitness of Windows in Detect languages;
Version 3.21 build 531 (27-November-2012)
[*] fixed: detection of Windows version in command "Detect Languages";
[*] fixed: disabling of "Check for updates automatically" in Settings dialog;
[*] fixed: Russian localization;
Version 3.20 build 530 (22-November-2012)
[+] added: menu tooltips;
[+] added: subscribe to news in installer (Finish page, optional);
[+] added: Polish language of user interface;
[+] added: build numbler is show on tray tooltip;
[*] updated English help;
[*] fixed: Russian localization;
[*] fixed: none text for frame "Check for updates"';
[*] many bug fixes for colored text caret;
[*] check for updates: all links open in system default web-browser;
[*] fixed: removing all files by uninstaller;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.10 build 528 (11-November-2012)
[+] added new feature: Check for updates on Internet;
[+] added: safe installing icon into system tray on launch;
[*] button "Detect Languages" moved into page "Miscellaneous" of Settings;
[*] updated Russian help;
Version 3.06 build 525 (9-October-2012)
[+] added: info about version of DLLs into dialog "Detect Languages";
[+] added: Kazakh language of user interface;
[+] added: German language of user interface;
[+] added: state in tooltip for options in Settings dialog;
[+] added: strikeout fonts for disabled options in Settings dialog;
[+] added: number of processors in "Detect languages";
[+] added: processor architecture in "Detect languages";
[*] Aml Maple start in enabled state always;
[*] fixed: refocusing method on SysListView\SysTreeView windows;
[*] fixed: hiding caret on window creation (e.g. on Total Commander);
Version 3.05 build 522 (16-August-2012)
[+] fixed: Unicode font for list of languages;
[+] added: test for key writing in "Detect languages";
[+] added: diagnostic report for registration;
Version 3.04 build 521 (3-August-2012)
[+] added: active codepage into languages info;
[+] added: number of installed language in Settings dialog;
[+] added: redrawing sample caret in Settings dialog on changing selected language;
[*] fixed: registration on localized Windows (e.g. German, French and etc);
[*] fixed: caret sample redrawing on Settings dialog;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.03 build 516 (15-July-2012)
[*] detection of user input withour hooks;
[+] added: Hellenic UI interface;
[+] added: auto-detection of setting "Start With Windows" in the Settings dialog;
[*] fixed: help menu;
[*] fixed: license control;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 3.02 build 515 (3-April-2012)
[*] fixed: limit of highlighted languages after registration;
Version 3.01 build 514 (22-March-2012)
[+] added: Ukrainian UI interface;
[+] added: Ukrainian help file;
[*] fixed: embedded strings languages;
[*] fixed: delay on close of settings-dialog by mouse on system button X;
Version 3.01 build 514 (20-March-2012)
[+] added: Ukrainian UI interface;
[*] fixed: embedded strings languages;
[*] fixed: delay on close of settings-dialog by mouse on system button X;
Version 3.00 build 513 (17-February-2012)
[+] added: full Unicode support;
[+] added Korean UI language;
[+] delayed restoring icon on system tray, if Windows Explorer crashed;
[+] new help file in Russian;
[+] new help file in English;
[+] added link to "Renewal license";
[+] new FlgCrt.DLL;
[*] fixed: use setting "USA\UK flag" in mouse pointer;
[*] fixed: initialize icon on flag "USA\UK" in settings dialog;
[*] changed: icons on settings;
[*] changed: UI translation files;
[*] fixed: crash on re-install feature "Flag on text caret";
[*] fixed: language name and prefix in Localization example file;
[*] fixed: openning help files under Windows7;
[*] changed: no delaying on timeout-nagscreen;
[*] fixed: localizations functions;
[*] UX-review of nag screen;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 2.66 build 502 (9-January-2012)
[+] added support double\single click on tray icon (settings or enable\disable);
[+] animated openning of nag-screen;
[+] added: restoring of icon on traybar after Windows Explorer crash;
[+] added Greece UI;
Version 2.65 build 498 (15-November-2011)
[+] added buttons copy and email-to-us to Registration;
[*] fixed: license management;
Version 2.64 build 496 (22-October-2011)
[*] fixed: install caret support under Windows7;
[*] many small changes;
Version 2.63 build 495 (18-October-2011)
[+] added of link to video into installer;
[+] added: link to "Get Aml Maple Free";
[*] changed: URL of user community (;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 2.62 build 494 (23-September-2011)
[+] added support of Internet Explorer 8;
[+] added tooltips into nagscreen;
[*] updated Russian help file;
[*] updated Localization example file (LocalizationExample.lng);
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 2.61 build 493 (3-September-2011)
[*] fixed: copying information about languages;
Version 2.60 build 492 (10-August-2011)
[+] added: detection of installed languages (see Settings);
[+] advanced list view controls to settings dialog;
[+] added support ot Turkey language;
Version 2.59 build 491 (14-July-2011)
[*] fixed: hiding mouse cursor on typing under Win2K\XP\Vista\7;
[*] changed: disabled icon on tray;
Version 2.58 build 489 (2-July-2011)
[+] added Czech user interface language;
[+] added tool for selection of exception from running applications list;
[*] improove exception selection tool (added: icon detection on drag-n-drop);
[*] fixed: exceptions number on changing of UI language;
Version 2.57 build 487 (30-May-2011)
[+] added Portuguese user interface;
[+] added rectangle drawing to target tool on window selection (tab Exceptions);
[*] forum URL changed to;
Version 2.56 build 486 (20-May-2011)
[+] added link to RSS-feed (tab "About Aml Maple");
[*] fixed "Start With Windows" for U-versions;
[*] fixed colors for invalid values of transparency of flag;
[*] show flag with language on focus to windows;
[*] small fixes in AmlMaple.dll and FlgCrt.dll;
Version 2.55 build 485 (29-April-2011)
[+] added link to Russian demo-video on our web site;
[*] changed bevel font on settings dialog;
[*] updated: Russian help;
[*] many small corrections;
Version 2.54 build 484 (18-April-2011)
[*] added support of Thai language;
[*] updated Russian help file;
[+] added link to video movies web site into help-file:;
Version 2.53 build 483 (28-March-2011)
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 2.52 build 480 (15-February-2011)
[+] added Turkish user interface;
[*] some many corrections and fixes;
Version 2.51 build 479 (04-February-2011)
[*] UI fixes;
[*] updated Ukraninian localization;
Version 2.50 build 478 (11-January-2011)
[+] added: exceptions for tex cursor colouring;
[+] added Opera.exe to caret exceptions as default;
[+] added: sample of flags to settings dialog;
[+] added new help files;
[*] Web Site command moves to root menu;
[*] use bold font for selected settings item;
[*] fixed: detection storage in AmlMaple.DLL;
[*] added more security to AmlMaple.DLL;
[*] added info tips to exceptions list;
[*] changed: icons of settings dialog;
[*] changed: caret width settings;
Version 2.46 build 459 (30-November-2010)
[*] changed popup menu;
[*] some bug fixes;
Version 2.45 build 458 (6-November-2010)
[*] changed icons;
Version 2.44 build 456 (9-October-2010. Happy birthday! Dear Lennon :)
[*] Added support for many applications;
[*] Added new payments methods ;
[*] Updated Russian localization;
[*] Changed Russian help-file;
[*] Some bug fixes;
[*] Many small corrections;
Version 2.43 build 454 (16-September-2010)
[+] added support of tweaky uni;
[*] many small corrections;
Version 2.42 build 453 (18-August-2010)
[+] added price option;
[*] fixed: animated flag fading;
[*] small bug fixes;
[*] many small corrections;
Version 2.41 build 450 (23-July-2010)
[+] added Byelorussian user interface and help file;
[*] fixed links handling;
[*] small bug fixes;
[*] many small corrections;
Version 2.40 build 447 (30-May-2010)
[+] added french and italian user interface;
[+] added transparency settings for flags on text cursor;
[+] added support of Microsoft Word and Excel 2010 Beta;
[+] added support of the Bat;
[+] added tooltip to system tray for start of second copy of Aml Maple;
[+] added support of Carbide C++ 2.3 and 2.4;
[*] changed language of user interfaces order to alphabet;
[*] changed animated dialog closing;
[*] corrections for FlgCrt.DLL;
[*] added links to localized home pages (for Italian, German and French versions);
[*] changed tray menu commands;
[*] fixed: hiding of flag on changing keyboard layout;
[*] fixed: updating of flag on changing keyboard layout (force update on changing);
[*] changed English help file;
[*] many small corrections;
Version 2.18 [29-Jan-2009]
[+] new AmlMaple.DLL and FlgCrt.DLL components (new unhook implementation);
[*] refactoring;
[+] animated dialog closing;
[+] added advertising of Aml Pages organizer;
Version 2.17 [9-Dec-2008]
[+] Added option "No Hide In Console" (no hide flag in text cursort automatically on console windows);
[*] Increased GUI languages area;
Version 2.16 [4-Dec-2008]
[+] Added Czech language for GUI;
[*] Fixed: country flag drawing in text cursor under Windows2000;
Version 2.15 [15-Nov-2008]
[+] Added French language for GUI (thanks to Igor Oshanin);
[!] отображение курсора-палки для окна с флагом в текстовом курсоре;
Version 2.14 [31-October-2008]
[*] changed waiting in backround thread;
[!] USA|UK flags menu items is enabled always;
[+] added submenu "Flags";
[*] fixed detection tray icon if installed one or more indication methods;
[*] fixed indication in mouse cursor is indication disabled;
Version 2.13 [29-October-2008]
[+] drawing country flag with shadow in text cursor;
[!] WS_EX_NOACTIVATE style (no activated country flag on cursor);
[+] added Italian user inteface;
[!] AboutDlg remaked "Click ME" to standard "OK";
Version 2.12 [17-October-2008]
[*] по умолчанию теперь показывается аббревиатура языка (справа от текстового курсора);
[+] added support of cursor for Italian language;
[+] fixed focus losing on activation unsupported language;
Version 2.11 [7-October-2008]
[+] added flag on text cursor;
[+] added Portugal language support;
Version 2.07 [26-June-2008]
[+] added Norway language support;
[+] added Polish, Latvian language interface;
Version 2.06 [15-June-2008]
[+] management of language name position in text cursor;
Version 2.04 [02-June-2008]
[+] added Chinese interface language;
[*] Fixed: text cursor options saving;
Version 2.04 [26-May-2008]
[!] all options is moved to "Options" section;
[!] saving language file without path (file name only);
[+] languages name in text cursor enabled as default;
[!] Fixed: work text_cursor flag;
[+] removed language name on bottom of text cursor;
[+] added Lithuanian interface language (thanks to Valentinas Marcinkevicius);
[+] language name on bottom of text cursor;
[+] added French interface language (thanks to Valery KrylOFF aka Kryl);
[+] added Bulagarian interface language (thanks to Georgy Xr. Nenov);
[+] added German interface languages (thanks to Felix Marjanovsky);
[+] added Byelorussian interface languages (thanks to Felix Marjanovsky);
[*] fixed: memory leaks on running text cursor under Win2K\XP (Billy :((((... The documentation sometimes lies... She gets impossible!!!);
[*] fixed: interface languages menu building;
Version 2.03 [16-May-2008]
[+] Added: "Add Language" menu command;
[*] fixed: monochrome text cursor under Windows 2000;
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© 2005-2025 G&G Software, Mazov Gosha aka Carc