Password Cracker History File (4.x version)
Web site:
Ads on PC:
Version 4.91 build 581 (March/17/2025)
[*] many changes in the GDI-kernel (fonts);
[+] added: supports of Gipso Info 2.xx;
[*] updated: language files (*.lng) of user interface of Password Cracker;
[*] many improvements and small changes;
Version 4.87 build 575 (December/8/2024)
[*] limited animation of the adv-hypelink to the other apps (Aml Maple, TwinkiePaste);
Version 4.84 build 570 (September/27/2024)
[+] added: supports of Private GPS Detector build 738;
[*] improve CFormatDateTime module;;
Version 4.83 build 568 (September/6/2024)
[+] imporove menu animation;
[+] added: new features for the support of Private GPS Detector;
Version 4.82 build 567 (May/14/2024)
[+] added: supports of Private GPS Detector;
[+] added: commands "Web Site", "Forum" into menu of button "Help";
Version 4.81 build 564 (February/12/2024)
[+] added: supports of GNU Spiles;
[+] added: animation of menu command "Restart As Admin";
[*] changed: hyperlink to user group;
Version 4.79 build 558 (December/13/2023)
[+] added: supports of gSUMO 8.x;
[+] changed: starting without admin privelegies;
Version 4.78 build 557 (October/16/2023)
[+] added: supports of multicore mode for IPCMan;
[+] added: new version of Core DLL (pchookU.dll);
Version 4.77 build 556 (July/18/2023)
[+] added: blink admin status string in caption on starting, if not has admin privilegies;
[+] create setting ini-file with low level security attributes;
Version 4.75 build 554 (July/6/2023)
[+] added: supports of Cookies Manager 4.9x;
Version 4.75 build 553 (June/15/2023)
[+] added: supports password extraction for the IconSys Manager (DB-engine);
Version 4.73 build 550 (March/28/2023)
[+] added: new version of Core DLL (pchookU.dll);
[*] changed: menu Settings;
[*] changed: detection of controls with passwords;
Version 4.72 build 547 (March/5/2023)
[+] new implementation of Crack_Password function;
[+] use PSAPI for the NT-implementation;
[*] changed: detection of real Windows version;
Version 4.71 build 545 (February/9/2023)
[+] added: uses simple crack password method for Win 64x;
[+] added: IPC cooperation with admin-instances and not-a-admin-intances of Password Cracker;
[+] added: info backgrond color for restored password;
[+] added: only one instance of running Password Cracker;
[+] tooltip for fiels "View" show always (TTS_ALWAYSTIP);
[+] added: uses simple crack password method for Win 64x;
[+] added: extended tooltip for fiels "Password" with info about restored password;
Version 4.70 (February/1/2023)
[+] added: menu command "Start Password Cracker x64";
[+] added: memory mapped files inter-process communication;
[+] added: RichEditXXX supports;
[+] added: supports multiline passwords (e.g. "Line 1 of password\nLine 2 of password" and etc);
[+] added: tooltip for field "View" shown info about restored password (window caption, path to exe-file and etc);
[+] added: extended tooltip for the field "Password" with info about restored password;
[+] added: _Install2 function in the engine DLL;
[+] added: CueBanner for field "Restored Password";
[*] improved: encoding text data on the fly;
Version 4.61 (January/20/2023)
[+] added: soft comparing classnames;
[+] added: suppots of ManagementStudio;
Version 4.60 (December/25/2022)
[+] added new version of core DLL;
[+] added: supports of Cookies Manager 4.8x;
Version 4.59 (August/10/2022)
[+] added: menu command Help\Telegram Group (;
[*] updated: all language files (*.lng) of user interface of Password Cracker;
Version 4.58 (June/11/2022)
[*] uses red text color in button "Settings", when works does not as Administrator;
Version 4.58 (June/7/2022)
[+] added: hide static "more our software";
[+] use red text color for button in disabled mode;
Version 4.57 (June/1/2022)
[*] changed: URL of home hyperlink in main window;
[*] UI languages menu uses radio-checkboxes;
[*] many improvements and small changes;
Version 4.56 (May/20/2022)
[+] added: supports of EntityEdit (editbox for typing);
Version 4.55 (March/16/2022)
[+] added: VK group;
[+] added: tooltip for button "Settings" shown current settings;
Version 4.53 (February/8/2022)
[+] added: new version of pchookU.dll;
[*] checked menu item "Run As Admin" when running as admin;
Version 4.50 (November/21/2021)
[+] added: support of The Bat (password box for the login into mailbox);
[+] added: article "How To Translate of Password Cracker" —;
[+] added: new subsystem localization of UI;
Version 4.49 (October/23/2021)
[*] updated: SecurityUtil classes;
Version 4.48 (August/20/2021)
[+] added: supports of Cookies Manager 4.xx;
[*] updated: Russian language file of UI;
Version 4.47 (June/14/2021)
[*] fixed: handling of menu command "Language\Create Language";
[+] added: menu command "Help\Facebook Group";
[+] added: menu command "Help\VKontakte Group";
Version 4.45 (February/19/2021)
[+] added: menu command "F.A.Q." (click on button Help);
[+] changed: drawing of dropdown buttons;
Version 4.44 (February/4/2021)
[+] added: menu command "Restart as administrator" (see button "Setting");
[*] updated: Russian language file of UI;
[!] изменил © года;
Version 4.42 (December/11/2020)
[*] changed: menu of language of user interface;
[+] added: supports of BitTorrent;
Version 4.40 (January/24/2020)
[+] added: changing icon on command "Enable\Disable";
Version 4.39 (January/16/2020)
[+] added: supports of FileZilla;
© 1998-2025 Mazov Gosha aka Carc, G&G Software