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Special offer for users of TwinkiePaste from Giveawayoftheday\SharewareOnSale

The deal for TwinkiePaste 2.91 on is expired at July 9, 2019.
Current version: TwinkiePaste 3.67 build 721. What`s new in this version?

You wish get update? What You need to make?
  1. You can buy TwinkiePaste Home License at 50% discount now or any other license (use coupon code: GOTD).
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  2. Vote for next free deal on for TwinkiePaste.
Buy Now at 50% discount

29$ 14.50$ USD

How to get TwinkiePaste free

We offer several ways to get free of TwinkiePaste (your choice):
  1. You are a editor of the Wikipedia? Write an article on Wikipedia about TwinkiePaste and get a license for free.
  2. Translate user interface of TwinkiePaste into your language.
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  4. Write review in Your blog, forum, facebook, home page and etc.
  5. Writing review about TwinkiePaste on the most popular web sites:,, Google Business.
  6. Creating a training video, tutorial, or presentation about TwinkiePaste and place on YouTube.
  7. We present free license key for effective beta-testers.
  8. More… We give you a free license for TwinkiePaste, if you inform us with an important reason why we should do it.
  9. Your suggestions? Tell us!
  10. Please, contact us via email or contact us in any way you like

TwinkiePaste бесплатно

Мы предлагаем несколько способов получить TwinkiePaste бесплатно и плюс еще парочку вариантов заполучить на халяву — на Ваш выбор…
  1. Напишите статью о TwinkiePaste в Википедии и получите лицензию бесплатно.
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  2. Переведите пользовательский интерфейс TwinkiePaste на свой язык. Пользовательский интерфейс TwinkiePaste это обычные текстовые файлы с названиями элементов: меню, кнопок, всплывающих подсказок, надписей и.т.д. Эти файлы можно отредактировать в любом текстовом редакторе, хоть в стандартном Блокноте Windows.
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  5. Напишите отзыв об TwinkiePaste на популярных веб сайтах: BetaNews.Com,, Google Мой Бизнес.
    (правда, там на английском придеться кропать…)
  6. Создайте видео-ролик о TwinkiePaste, некую презенташку, демонстрашку — на Ваш вкус — и разместите его на YouTube.
  7. Мы предлагаем бесплатную лицензию для активных и квалифицированных бета-тестеров.
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Hot news [10/09/2024 15:59] New version TwinkiePaste 3.67 build 721 released.
TwinkiePaste is the utility for quickly typing commonly used text, dates, greetings, standard responses, Internet URLs, logins and passwords, and code templates. TwinkiePaste helps to quickly type text in almost any application, thus saving a lot of time and routine. More info see to here: «Presents new product — TwinkiePaste»
You can download multilingual version with installer or portable version.
What`s new:
Added setting "Use multi-column menu if the items are more" (unchecked as default).
Added: activating the floating panel from the phrase menu or the list of windows by Alt Tab immediately expands the panel so that all elements of the list are visible ("Show all elements" command). Fixed: duplicate service commands in phrase menu.
Added link to the Telegram group. Added: uses highlighted icon if running as Administrator (in tray, on float pane, in menu tooltips). Updated Russian, German, French, Spanish, Turkish, Polish, Ukrainian and many more language files of user interface. Details change log see here.
Telegram Group is created — Welcome.

See also
Downloads | What`s new in TwinkiePaste 3.67 build 721 | Technical Support | Buy other license of TwinkiePaste