Main Window
Work with mutiple documents. Any drag'n'drop between documents. Fully portable documents with icons, colors, settings and other.
Key Features
Aml Pages key features: tree-structured form of notes, bookmarks for quckly access, nodes filtering, more commands for text editor.
Tree-structured form of notes
Flexible tree structure to keep all your notes in order. Fully customizable tree.
Video tutorial: How to expand text or tree
Text Bookmarks
Advanced text bookmarks navigation and management.
Text Editor (formatted text mode)
Full support of formatted text with fonts, pictures and tables.
Text Editor (plain text only mode)
Tables support
Aml Pages support of table in text.
Web Pages
Support of web pages include integration with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
Text Templates
Insertion text templates via menu.
Text Templates Editor
Editor supports tags, hotkeys and autotext.
Hierarchical tags
Filters by tags
Left pane as tags tree
Color groups of nodes
Editable color groups for nodes: You can change appearance of node in-one-click.
Categories of nodes
Categories (tags) for nodes. You can change colors and icons for any node quickly!
Easy-to-use web minning
Usable pane of plug-in Aml Assist for fast data saving from Microsoft Word, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, OpenOffice and any applications. Drag data to this pane from any application
OK. Saving is complete!
Video tutorial: Video tutotial for Firefox see here.
Video tutorial: Video tutotial for Internet Explorer see here.
Sticky notes
Use sticky notes for quickly writing. Edit your texts easy.
Any sticky note is part of your document.
Many free plugins
Aml Pages supports plugins for extension of features: web and data minning, favorites extension, advances export and import.
Advanced Search
Advanced web-like search in nodes, branches, entire document and other files.
Nodes Filters
Comfortable nodes filter by dates creation and\or last changes.
Protection of nodes by password
You can protect a nodes by password for viewing of content by other peoples
Auto-backup and backups explorer
Backup explorer show all backups of Your document with the full path to the backup, path to the source document, the creation date of the backup and many more.
Any file as attachment
You can add any file as attachment into document.
Web images as attachments
You can save any web pages into Aml Pages with images.
See the here: "How to attach images of web node into Aml Pages document"
Export to CHM-format
Easily create help systems and knowledgebases from Your documents via plug-in Aml2CHM
Video tutorial: See video tutorial here.
User interface themes
You can change user interface themes quickly »»»
Tip Of The Day
Aml Pages : Empty main window
Settings screenshots
Settings : Text Editor
Settings : Tree
Settings : Hotkeys
Settings : Miscellaneous
Settings : Usability
Settings : Font and Icons
Settings : Documents autosaving
Settings : Document
Settings : Actions