Aml Pages Notes Organizer Site
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Aml Pages : Note taking tool and organizer

Aml Pages is a feature-rich Windows-application developed for managing documents, web pages, notes, passwords and other important information in a single place.
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Aml Pages is a tree-structured notes organizer for Windows. It contains all your notes, information, web pages, passwords, URL-addresses in the form of a tree that you can quickly find what you need. The Aml Pages can easily save web pages (or fragments) from the Internet and provides a sticky «facility». Manage megatons of your notes with ease at work and at home.

Supports plain text, rich text and web pages, tables and figures, attachments, and many plug-ins for feature expansion. At any moment you can instantly record the important information in a sticky note, not looking up from the important cases.
Aml Pages allows you to store absolutely any information in its database: texts, images, screenshots, files, URLs and etc. Moreover, you can store both links to files and files themselves.
Tree-structured form for notes
Text and paragraph formatting. Format styles.
Images, screenshots captures, tables
Bookmarks and hyperlinks
Security and auto-backup
Integration with Dropbox, Evernote and LeaderTask
Export to CHM-format (Microsoft Windows Help)
Export to OPML for viewing on mobile devices
Unicode support
Aml Pages screenshot : Key Features Aml Pages screenshot : Key Features
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Hot news [21/03/2025 16:49] Aml Pages 10.03 build 2978 released.
You can download English version with installer or portable versions (learn more about portable version).
For other language versions - see here.

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What`s new in the version (click to enlarge)
Added: new feature "Update Aml Pages" (see menu Help).
Fixes/changes in the saving formatting of plain text.
Aml Pages: Plain text allow to apply simple formatting
Fixed: node text was not saved when temporarily removing the "Read-only" document mode.
fixes in the text editor: looping of link highlighting, syntax highlighting, drawing of bookmarks after scrolling the text with the mouse wheel (the entire visible range of text was parsed, drawn and highlighted indefinitely/forever);
added: double-clicking the mouse in an empty area of the main Aml Pages window switches the main window to maximized mode or back from maximized;
added the command line switch "/nodelay";
fixed flickering of the tree panel when gaining or losing focus (only the selected tree node is invalidated);
added extended tooltip with tips to the menu command "Insert\Date and Time";
Added background asynchronous loading of text templates when starting Aml Pages.
Added new version of Aml Assist 3.61 plugin has been added (adding text to the nodes, including source URL). Double clicking on a node in the tree activates the text editor (right panel).
The plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.71 released.
Critical bug fix: excessive CPU usage when the Nodes Tabs bar (top nodes bar) is enabled.
Added: text templates supports autotext now.
Added new version of plugin AutoReplace 2.16 (fixed: does not save setting after OK in the dialog, fixed: running the plugin in a hyperlinks).
New feature: plain text formatting. What does this mean? Now You can uses a simple formatting for nodes of plain text: font and him attributes (bold, italic, underline and etc), font size, colors of background and text, can uses format styles and many more.
See the What's New section for a full list of changes, or you can view it from Aml Pages itself.

Have you ever thought “good idea, I must write it down somewhere” and then can’t remember it next day?
Have you ever lost a sticker with an extremely important phone number?

Now you have a solution for all such problems and more! The solution is called “Aml Pages”. It allows you to store all your important information quickly and easily. It helps you to organize it so that you can always find what you need right now. Information is organized in a tree structure – the most comfortable way to store and group this type of data. You can mark each node of the tree as you wish – you could change it’s font, size, style, and color. You can easily insert tables, links, pictures, dates, and times. URLs and mail addresses are recognized automatically and highlighted appropriately. You can capture and store a screenshot of any area of the screen directly from Aml Pages.

Have you ever found a very interesting web page during surfing the web, and some days after can’t find it anymore?
Or have you sent such a page to “Favorites” in your browser, but after some time can’t open it because “no such page on a server” anymore?

Have you ever found very interesting web page during surfing the web, and some days after can’t find it anymore? Or have you put such page to “Favorites” in your browser, but after some time can’t open it, because “no such page on a server” anymore? Now with Aml Pages you could save complete web-page or its part by one hotkey pressing. Drag-n-drop technology is also supported – just drag selected text from any text editor or web-browser.

You think that after short time you would get complete mess of data without any possibility to find out something? You are wrong!
You can assign tag (or more tags) to each node and than use tags to easily find related information. You have powerful search engine which allows you to set many parameters for searching: date of adding or modifying, data type etc. You could do a search through all tree or it’s part. You can set adjustable filter to hide unnecessary parts and highlight only important data. You could put a bookmark to any place in the data tree. All bookmarks are visible on a special panel. There is many way of navigation via bookmarks: mouse click, hotkeys, context menu…

You like extensible interface? Or even would like to write your own extention?
You have all of it! Aml Pages has open and well-documented API for plug-in development. Many plug-ins are already available: advanced export and import, creating files in .chm format, integration with LeaderTask organizer. Some of them are free and open-source. You also have user interface with themes support. If you don’t like any of available themes, create your own! You can also add or remove toolbars, change their location, add the necessary buttons in the panel, change the contents of the menu, choose your own icons and more…

And a lot of other things just making your life more comfortable
• Many localizations are available: English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian and many more
• Portable version: application does not require install and could be started from USB drive.
• Security: your data is password-protected. Backup copies are also password-protected
• Back-up: autosave will automatically save all your data.lose your data.
• Lifetime license and 1 Year free updates

This multi-purpose note-taking application helps you to
• Easy take all sort of notes
• Collect research results and share them
• Centralize your project data and reuse it
• Quickly organize your thoughts in idea boxes
• Keep track of your information in a smart way
• Make intelligent To Do lists
• And a lot more…

icon Displaying notes in the form of a tree
Tree-structured notes Flexible tree structure to keep all your notes in order. You can set up various attributes of node: colors, icons, fonts, sort order and etc.

Any section of the document you can assign your own category (tag) that will facilitate its search. You can also view the entire document as a simple list of nodes. This method allows you to easily find the most-most sections (new or old, big or small, etc.)

Text formatting icon

Text editor with all formatting functions Text and paragraph formatting functions like in WordPad. Inserting tables and figures, hyperlinks and lines, date and time in any format.

Insert hyperlinks, emails, addresses into text. All the standard URLs the Aml Pages highlights automatically and allows them to open a web browsers, email clients, and other applications.
Text editor with simple formatting for plain text

You can also capture screenshots of any area of the screen directly from the Aml Pages.

icon Easily text and web mining
Aml Assist pane

Demo Video One of the most "mighty" features of Aml Assist is support of dragging different stuff to its panel. You can drag some text from editors — MS Word,; whole web pages or their parts from all popular web browsers — Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Maxthon, Google Chrome.

Can clip text from anywhere. Just select it and press the hotkey! It works in Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Opera, Mozilla Firefox,, Acrobat Reader, Windows HTML Help and etc.
See article Tips and tricks : Using Aml Assist pane.

Filtering notes icon

Filtering notes in Aml Pages Sometimes you need to find all parts of the document on any less formal terms: the date change, headings, notes, according to the type of data, etc. This will help you filter nodes: include any of the filters, and the tree will display only the topics that match the criteria. The remaining parts are temporarily hidden, without distracting you from the analysis. All your data remains intact. Simply do not need this other sections will not "stand out" in front of your eyes.

Need a more complex filters? All settings are available: use any combination of conditions.

Working with document in the filter, and need to navigate to the part of the document, not included in the filter? Aml Pages will automatically display it in the tree. If the user has moved to this part, then it is called for - and why it does not show right away? Filters - this is not a formal design, this is comfortable methods of working with the document.

icon Text Bookmarks

Bookmarks on text Bookmarks is the special navigation tool to any location of documents. Whenever you need to return to that place just open bookmark or hyperlink.

You can easily create a bookmarks to a certain place in the document. When you are adding a bookmark, Aml Pages show insertion point and bookmark marker. Mark important text — interesting ideas and facts, imperfect text fragments that you want to come back later and etc.

Panels for bookmarks viewing It is necessary to quickly locate a place of document. Check this snippet bookmark, and it will not be lost. Bookmarks show the markers in the text. Use any method for bookmarks navigation: toolbar button, context menu, text editor, or key combination Ctrl+Ctrl. Text Bookmarks Features

Moreover, you can keep all bookmarks to various places in one pane, so you don't have to keep in mind where you should look for some important data.

Sort bookmarks in any order: alphabetically, by date, by location in an text. You can create a hyperlink from any part of the document to the bookmarks. Create hyperlinks to bookmarks from other text and documents. The hyperlink can be from any other application, such as Web pages.

icon Advanced bookmarks navigation

The program supports advanced features for working with hyperlinks. You can embed links to other sections of the document and tags, URLs and emails, files and folders. Hyperlink to a section of the document or the label can be accessed from third-party applications and Web pages.

icon Security and data backup

Providing information security. Aml Pages protects data by limiting access to the program with passwords. It is also possible to back up data.

Backup Explorer Aml Pages has built-in tools to automatically save changes as after a period of time, and when performing certain actions by the user. You no longer have to lose data, even if the computer freezes perfectly still. You can select a specific folder for the location and the maximum number of backups. At any time, you can create a backup copy of the manually or send a copy into external drives.

When you save a document, this application will automatically create a backup copy of the previous versions. If you delete data by accident, you can always restore them from backup. A backup is password protected as well as the main document. So the idea of "dig" in the backups without your knowledge no lead nowhere. Copies are protected as the document itself.

Import and export icon

You can import both files and folders. Aml Pages supports the development of drag-n-drop. Drag files, folders, pictures, text in the application.

At any time you can export a part of a document or a node in the tree of folders and files.

Create sticky note and easily save text to nodes by right click on Aml Assist pane.

icon Instant search

Find In Titles Aml Pages offers powerfull search in all parts of the document — individual nodes, branch or whole document with many options. Many search parameters can be set, for example - when data was added or updated, user nodes categories, data types, where search should be performed, search for whole word, including or excluding HTML code analysis and many more.
You can view search results as a set of tabs that a virtual branch in the tree, or show in the tree only to search results. Advanced Search

A quick search finds parts of document by titles. Well, of course, you can use a traditional incremental search with the button "Find Next" in text.

Format Styles. Text templates. Syntax highlighting icon

Easy to use formatting styles can instantly draw the text at the appropriate sample. Click on the style from the drop-down list, and you're done - the selected text or the current paragraph is transformed: change color, fonts, formatting attributes. It took your style? It's easy! Format the text, bring up a similar form, and selects the "Create from the text. You're done!

Use text templates for quickly insertion of frequently used words and phrases.
Aml Pages plugin: Aml Auto Completion (AAC) Aml Pages plugin: AutoReplace

Auto-completion helps typing quickly. This is trivial: you type, the application itself analyzes the text and offer you completion options. You can also add words manually.

The Aml Pages supports syntax highlighting of data formats, and many programming languages: e-mail letters, C++, Visual Basic, Java, HTML, Pascal, and many others.

Plug-ins - these are additional modules that extend and expand the possibilities of the Aml Pages. Plug-ins solve many specific problems that are not implemented in the main program, due to their relatively rare in demand or specificity.

Plug-ins offer an advanced export and import data, additional tools and opportunities to work with text. To install the plugin need only copy the file to the plugins folder Aml Pages.

  • Aml2CHM — creation e-books from documents;
  • Aml2LeaderTask — integration with LeaderTask organizer.
  • Aml2Dropbox — synchronize your documents via the Internet with web service

    The most popular plug-ins already included in the program. Look at the menu "Plugins". Interface plugin (Plugin API) is open and documented. Many plugins are freely distributed (free) and open source.

  • Look & Feel, portable version icon

    UI Themes Manager Storing all data in one place allows you to easily move Am Pages to other computers. All information will always be at hand wherever you are!

    You can easily customize any UI element under their habits. Remove or add the toolbar to change their location, add the necessary buttons in the panel, change the contents of the menu, choose your own icons.

    It supports of user interface themes. Change the appearance of the application in one click. You can create your own original themes.

    Run it from your flash drive. Aml Pages is a totally self-contained application, meaning that you can put it on a flash drive and run it directly from there. In this way, your notes will always be with you.

    You can download localized version: English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, Ukrainian and etc.

    See also
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