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 Mouse Hunter 1.75

Released: декабря 09, 2021, freeware

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More tweaker software for mouse and keyboard more software
for mouse tweaking
Mouse Hunter
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Hot news [24/03/2025 16:52] Aml Pages 10.03 build 2979 released.
You can download English version with installer or portable versions (learn more about portable version).
For other language versions - see here.

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What`s new in the version (click to enlarge)
Added: new feature "Update Aml Pages" (see menu Help).
Fixes/changes in the saving formatting of plain text.
Aml Pages: Plain text allow to apply simple formatting
Fixed: node text was not saved when temporarily removing the "Read-only" document mode.
fixes in the text editor: looping of link highlighting, syntax highlighting, drawing of bookmarks after scrolling the text with the mouse wheel (the entire visible range of text was parsed, drawn and highlighted indefinitely/forever);
added new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.63;
added: double-clicking the mouse in an empty area of the main Aml Pages window switches the main window to maximized mode or back from maximized;
added the command line switch "/nodelay";
fixed flickering of the tree panel when gaining or losing focus (only the selected tree node is invalidated);
added extended tooltip with tips to the menu command "Insert\Date and Time";
Added background asynchronous loading of text templates when starting Aml Pages.
Added new version of Aml Assist 3.61 plugin has been added (adding text to the nodes, including source URL). Double clicking on a node in the tree activates the text editor (right panel).
The plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.71 released.
Critical bug fix: excessive CPU usage when the Nodes Tabs bar (top nodes bar) is enabled.
Added: text templates supports autotext now.
Added new version of plugin AutoReplace 2.16 (fixed: does not save setting after OK in the dialog, fixed: running the plugin in a hyperlinks).
New feature: plain text formatting. What does this mean? Now You can uses a simple formatting for nodes of plain text: font and him attributes (bold, italic, underline and etc), font size, colors of background and text, can uses format styles and many more.
See the What's New section for a full list of changes, or you can view it from Aml Pages itself.

Mouse Hunter is a free utility that optimizes the work with the mouse wheel.

When you roll the mouse wheel, the utility roll the UI element, that is located under the mouse pointer, not the element that has the input focus (which responds to the keyboard input) as it usually happens in Windows (Windows always roll currently active UI element).

With the Mouse Hunter You can scroll Windows and UI elements, without having to activate them. (see screenshots below).

«A mouse was as much a miracle of biology as was an elephant; nevertheless there was an important difference - an elephant was bigger»
© R. Heinlein

ZIP with installer, size: 1.1M
32x, Released: дек 09, 2021 06:33

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How to work Mouse Hunter

How to work Mouse Hunter
Click to enlarge
Mouse Hunter on system tray

Mouse Hunter on system tray
Click to enlarge
Settings of Mouse Hunter

Settings of Mouse Hunter
Click to enlarge
See also
Aml Maple : Keyboard layout indicator on mouse pointer | Technical Support | Forum | PAD files

How to localize Mouse Hunter user interface to other language

    Localization of agent module (icon on system tray)
  1. Copy the file LocalizationExample.lng to new file %LANGUAGE_NAME%.lng.
  2. Open the new file in Windows Notepad (or any other text editor).
  3. Translate all strings on right at the symbol "=".
  4. Change the key value in string "LangPrefix=En" to prefix of Your language
  5. E.g. "De" for German language, "Ru" for Russian language, "Sp" for Spanish language and etc. Prefix of language You can see in standard language pane of Windows in right bottom corner of screen. This need for localization of settings module (see below).
  6. Save the file as Unicode encoding.
  7. Place the file in folder of Mouse Hunter.
  8. Choose Your language from menu "Language" (see tray icon).
    Localization of settings module
  1. Copy the file localize_en.css to new file localize_%PREFIX%.css. The %PREFX% is that you set in step 4 above.
  2. Open the new file in Windows Notepad (or any other text editor).
  3. Translate all strings in quotes after tag "content".
  4. Save the file at encoding UTF8.
  5. Place the file in folder of Mouse Hunter.
  6. Choose Your language from menu "Language" (see tray icon).
  7. Choose menu command "Settings" (see tray icon).
Please, send me Your language files at email I will be include Your translation into official distributiv of MH.


  1. Non-obtrusive application which was developed in order to help you customize particular mouse settings, without requiring a lot of CPU and RAM (English)
  2. If you need an application that could help improve the functionality… (English)
  3. Jak korzystać w Windowsie z zawartości nieaktywnego okna? (Polish)
  4. How To control Non-Active Windows With The Mouse (English)
  5. Mouse Hunter 1.52 : Reviewed by Wilfred Mayland on 2 Oct 2012 (English)
  6. Mouse Hunter 1.52 Per far funzionare la rotellina del mouse anche sulle finestre non in primo piano. Gratuito, per Windows (Italian)
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